ARTM Macau

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Treatment & Prevention IFNGO Side Event – 61st CND Session

<14 /03/ 2018>

Venue: UNODC, Vienna, Austria

ARTM is glad to participate once again in the 61st CND Session which has taken place on the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna, Austria.

The current IFNGO Presidency with ARTM organized a side event on March 14th in cooperation with CADAPT – China Association of Drug Abuse and Prevention & China National Control Commission. During this event, we shared the development of China in the field of the HIV/AIDS and also its policy on Drugs, finalizing with the promotion of the 28th IFNGO World Conference in Beijing, China on May 23-24 2019.

We were very enthusiastic with not only the presence of Macau, Hong Kong and China’s Governments as well as H.E. Ambassador Pedro Moitinho from Portugal and many members of the international community.

We’re very glad for this successful event and would like to show our gratitude for the interest of everyone attending.