ARTM Macau

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Be Cool Project – New Location Opening Ceremony

On January 10th 2021, Be Cool Project held it’s official Opening Ceremony at its new location in Taipa, Macau.

Some of you might know, but we were supposed to transfer to our new site in March 2020. A great venue with lots of space for activities, counselling sessions and community workshops. All kindly assigned and built by the Macau SAR Social Welfare Bureau, in the new Macau Housing Institute, near the City University of Macau in Taipa.

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, everything was delayed. We were only able to start our move on July 2020 and only now, we have been able to do an official opening ceremony.

We had the participation of Ms. Hoi Va Pou, Macau Social Welfare Bureau Vice-President and other government dignitaries including Mr. Iu, Head of Anti-Drugs Department of Macau Judiciary Police.

During this ceremony, we had the contribution of some of our local partners with some dancing and performances from the Local Portuguese Folk Dance and Filipino and Indonesian community. We also had the support of our BeCool Dance Team and Amazing A&K, the winner of this year Dance Competition.

Simultaneously with the opening ceremony we had an OPEN DAY so our guests and neighbors could have a short tour of the facilities and the services we provide. There was a video of our department evolution and what we have been able to accomplish, with two major introductions: the release of our BE COOL song “Shine Like The Stars” & introduction and performance of our Be Cool Mascot “CoBe”.

Thank you for coming to visit us!

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