Visit of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Dr. Alexis Tam


<20/06/ 2018>

Venue: ARTM Ká-Hó Center, Coloane, Macau

This past week has been a week of momentous events. A day to remember as we had the visit of Dr. Alexis Tam, Secretary for the Social Affairs and Culture of the Macau SAR to our ARTM Ka-Ho Treatment Center.

It was an honor to welcome him and express our sincere gratitude for all his support to ARTM. We were able to show both him and Dra Vong Yim Miu, the President of Social Welfare Bureau, as well as all their teams around the center and express our sincere appreciation for all their support and trust to ARTM in all these years.

We promise to continue working hard with love and dedication to the cause, as well as elevate the example of Macau in an international level.

Thank you for everything!