Ka-Ho Center Meeting Room Renovations

ARTM has recently faced some challenges, like many others faced in the past.

Our Headquarters building in Ka-Ho has been in a poor state for quite a while due to rainwater infiltration, humidity, and woodworms.

Our basement has been mostly affected by these conditions, which includes our meeting room. As the place is very humid and our meeting room has wooden floors and wallpaper, it has slowly but surely been the worst for wear.

The situation has been deteriorating and we cannot stand by any longer, slowly watching it get worst. Even with the air conditioner always turned on to try and slow the damage, little change has been noticed.

Mostly, we need to fix the room and above patio which is where the water seeps into the walls from. We have heard there is a stream underneath our building but we cannot confirm that nor are we sure if that’s one of the reasons.

The meeting room is not the only problem, as the music room also located in the basement has become an issue itself. Even with dehumidifiers on, we already lost some electric guitars due to the damp environment.

Unfortunately, any type of renovation doesn’t come cheap. As always, it’s not about a fix here and there and it’s completed. There’s a need to replace pipes beyond any repair, electricity connections, and more, that have been completely destroyed by the shocking conditions.

Therefore, ARTM needs your help to make this area a welcoming space! Our meeting room is where we gather as a family and where we receive visits from outside institutions.

The renovation total cost has been estimated as of now to reach MOP $174,000. We would be very thankful to everyone who will make donations of any value to assist us in this journey.

In order to show our appreciation, anyone that makes a donation of over $1,000 will have their name in a plaque included in our ‘Thank You Hall’ in the meeting room.

Donations can be made on the donation platform at BNU or direct deposit into our account number 9001354181. Don’t forget to send your donation slip to us by email: info@artmmacau.com.

We are slowly going further in our renovations, which wouldn’t have been completed without your precious help.

As of now, we would like to express our sincere thanks for the following donations from:

  • Winnerway Security Guards Company - MOP $1,000

  • Mr. Joseph Lai - MOP $1,000

  • Ms. Elle Kuan - MOP $1,000

  • Mr. Jose Lourenco - MOP $1,000

  • Ms. Susanna Hoi - MOP $1,000

  • Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro - for donating his amazing photographs for purchase to Isabel Castro, Francisco Leandro, Susana Canarias, Nuno Pereira, Sofia Mota e Francisco Antonio Ricarte - MOP $10,000

  • Premium Collectibles Trading Co. Ltd - MOP $2,000

  • Inês Tam - MOP $2,000

  • Tiago Azevedo - MOP $1,000

Thank you for your continuous support of ARTM!

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Thank you!