ARTM continues to visit the Seac Pai Van to promote and provide information of our services to everyone in the community.
Read MoreBe Cool has hosted a drug prevention and informative workshop to around 30 students at USJ. It was a very worthwhile experience where many shared their thoughts and doubts on the subject.
Read MoreARTM has celebrated its 18th Anniversary with its Charity Dinner 2018 on November 10th. The theme this year was Life is full of Light.
Read MoreARTM attended the 2nd Plenary Session of the Commission Against Drugs in 2018. A great occasion to share the current situation, what we have done until now and what we can do to improve in the future.
Read MoreToday we received the visit from the National Narcotics Control Commission, China; Narcotics Control Bureau; Ministry of Public Security, P.R. China as well as the Social Welfare Bureau of Macau and Judiciary Police of Macau.
Read MoreThis month, ARTM Treatment Center was the place of the AIDS Commission Methadone and NSP subgroup meeting.
Read MoreARTM attended the Macau Trailhiker organized by the MGM Macau. We had four teams and all enjoyed the different and physical activity type of day.
Read MoreBe Cool invited Ms. Cecilia Ho, a social worker and conveyor of the Macau Domestic Violence Concern Group to host a workshop for 75 persons on the subject “Domestic Violence”.
Read MoreARTM attended the 27th WFTC World Conference in Bangkok. It was a constructive week where ARTM presented our services.
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