ARTM Macau

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Macau Drug Commission Visit to Ka-Ho ARTM Treatment Center

Drug Commission Sub-Group ‘Youth Concern Group’

On March 5th, ARTM has received a visit from the Drug Commission Sub-Group “Youth Concern Group” at our ARTM Ka-Ho Treatment Center. We had a meeting where the group learned more about the overall services of ARTM and ‘Hold On To Hope’ Career Development Project. ARTM emphasis has been the same as in the past, where we believe that ‘RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE’ and the necessity to review and implement alternatives to prison for small misdemeanors.

ARTM focuses in a holistic approach to help recovery in people who use drugs, following a continuum care. We also made a brief mention to our other services, the Be Cool project that works on prevention, as well as the ARTM Harm Reduction Department that focuses on needle syringe program (NSP) as well as the after care of those that accomplished full treatment, are under probation, on methadone, etc.

Following our short presentation, we had a small tour of our Ka-Ho Treatment Center facilities with the group where they could learn more about the different activities that we have.

We then went to ARTM Career Development Project, which we call in short ‘H2H’, that aims to assist rehabilitation and reintegration into society through vocational training and professional practice. Currently, we have two houses, a Café and a Gallery.

Our guests visited the current exhibition in our gallery which includes artworks from one of our employees, Raul Martins, and many of his students which are current and past clients from ARTM. We then visited the H2H Café for some snacks and beverages. Some of our clients made some brief introductions as an ARTM residential treatment clients and their experience with the vocational training in this new Career Development Project.

Thank you for coming to visit us!

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